Text the word “safe” and your current location (address, city, state) to 4HELP (44357). For immediate help, reply with “2chat” to text interactively with a trained counselor. [br]
National Suicide Prevention Hotline[br]
Crisis Text Line[br]
Text HOME to 741741 in the US[br]
Local Resources
The following organizations provide counseling appointments local to Clark and Champaign Counties in Ohio.[br]
Catholic Charities 937-325-8715[br]
CitiLookout 937-322-6532[br]
Consolidated Care 1-877-653-5583[br]
Mental Health Services of Clark and Madison Counties 937-399-9500[br]
Oesterlen Services for Youth 937-399-6101[br]
Rocking Horse Community Health Center[br]
Adolescents 937-324-1111[br]
Adults 937-328-7266[br]
WellSpring 937-325-5564[br]